
The Isle of Rum is a small island in the Inner Hebrides, on the west coast of Scotland. Red deer research has been conducted on the island since 1953, and since 1972 an individual-based study of deer has been conducted in the ‘North Block’ of Rum. Continuing collection of information about individuals over a long period of time, including genetic parentage information, has allowed research into behaviour, life history trade-offs, population dynamics, natural selection and the effects of weather and density, including, now, the consequences of climate change.

The research project has become one of the longest and most complete scientific studies of a wild population of vertebrates in the world, and has been the subject of over a hundred scientific papers and three books.

Please use the links above to explore the site and find out about our current research.

The deer project is always looking for volunteers both long and short term. If you are interested, please contact Ali, ali.morris@ed.ac.uk


You may also be interested in our sister project, the St Kilda Soay Sheep Project.


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